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Mind the Moment

Time: Why do we always race against it instead of working with it?

In this season of my life, I am learning to have a new relationship with time.

The old me tried to get as much done as possible as quickly as possible.

That meant:

  • Taking jobs before really getting to know the manager

  • I thought I respected or trusted someone before letting their actions prove they were trustworthy.

  • Rushing to get a project or deal done rather than asking someone wiser for input

  • Rushing a deal and offering a discount rather than giving it some time to breathe and for a client to really digest the value of my offering.

The new me sees time as my friend.

  • I want to go on as many interviews as possible and stretch out the process to ensure that I know who and what I am getting into. (for my corporate coaching and pesticide advocacy work).

  • I don’t rush into partnerships or sign contracts unless I’ve repeatedly seen how someone shows up.

  • I don’t rush through training and say I’m an expert; instead, I seek to embody what I’ve learned over time.

  • I don’t rush deals anymore or offer discounts; instead, I let my clients see over time how valuable my content is.

On a personal note, with a small child, I know I will only have so many summers, nights of reading books and tucking in, and even tantrums when leaving the park.

.. So why am I rushing you, dear friend, through time?

Yes, we have monthly, quarterly, and yearly metrics and goals to hit, but what if we were more mindful of what and when we rushed?

So while I still pay my bills on time and diligently respond to my clients’ invoices, I’m much more mindful of my relationship with time.

Ironically, I’ve chosen that not rushing time through ALL parts of my life has actually helped me save time.

What are some ways to start having a better relationship with time?

Working During Work Hours:

  • Get a different phone, computer, or whatever you need to, and only work during work hours.

  • If you need to work extra time one week, make sure you balance it out the other week with an afternoon off.

  • This will feel very naughty at first. (That word feels strange, but it perfectly describes the specific guilt and bliss you will experience)

  • When everything is a priority, nothing is.

  • Start prioritizing your top 3 high-impact goals or actions for the day.

  • When you’re finished, ask yourself if you really want/need to do more or if you need to take a break.

  • Throughout the day, take mini-breaks or rest.

  • Shift activities – If you’re emailing or talking on the phone, go for a quick walk. Or calling a friend to connect.

  • Remember that rest doesn’t mean sleep; it means activating a different part of your brain (and allowing one part of your brain some downtime). It’s like doing a bunch of bicep curls and then moving to work your triceps.

Tech Detox: (from my book)

  • Take one day a week off from technology and to-do lists.

  • Turn your phone on airplane mode throughout the day, and check in by asking, “What do I feel like doing now?”

Feel like you or your organization need help increasing productivity and resilience in your employees?

Reach out for a FREE 30-minute coaching call. I work with both 1:1 and corporate clients to help increase performance and wellbeing through my proven Performance-Based Mindfulness methodology.


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