I’m Tripp Williamson, CEO and founder of Vertical Crop Consultants and Cropbox.

My morning routine and day has changed dramatically after taking the Mindful Seller program. I was the “get that last possible second of sleep” type of guy. Everything has changed for me after adopting a mindfulness practice.
Specifically, the 10-minute concentration practice I learned has the biggest impact on the rest of my day. It calms my mind and enables me to focus before the day gets hectic. This has helped me adjust to waking up earlier.
5 A.M.: Now, I rise every weekday morning at 5:00- 5:15 A.M. and actually enjoy the “me time” I so often hear about. I try and incorporate meditating, reading, reflection, and anticipate what my day will be like.I am motivated to get out of the bed knowing that my day will be much smoother after those 1-2 hours.
7 A.M.: Next, I usually shower and put on some good music to start my day off. Most mornings I’ll write down my Daily Deltas to ensure I complete them asap. I can be pulled in a million different directions, as I operate as a startup.
9 A.M. – 5P.M.: Previously, I believed I was starting a new race every morning. My alarm acted as the starting gun and I simply began running. I frequently rushed through showering, dressing, eating a quick breakfast, helping my son to school, and rushing to work. I was also staying in this mindset until I was able to hit the couch and space out on my phone.
I thought this “spacing out” was turning my brain off. Now, I check my phone, email, social media less, which decreases my stress. It allows more time to be present throughout the day.
I’ve noticed I’m less anxious throughout the day as I incorporate mindfulness into my daily routine.
The most notable part of this entire change is that I originally believed I was being mindful in my daiy routine. For example, if you asked me if I was mindful and present throughout the day, I would have told you “yes.”
I believed that arriving home at the end of the day with an empty tank and the bumper falling off was normal.
It’s not.
Reach out to join the waitlist for my next Mindful Seller program.