I was stressed, burned out and constantly in “go” mode.

Then I realized something. I was not a machine.
We all want to make an impact, yet when it comes to the business environment, we often think of it as a hopeless place. We think we are a product of the big machine, and that we play by the machine’s rules; end of story.
Guess what?
That’s not true, and I’m living proof. I’ve committed to being in flow while in a business environment and have implemented strategies into my real life; not just concepts or ideas.
Today, we believe The Myths:
MeritoCRAZY: The myth that we have to work hard to achieve our goals.
Me, Me, Me: The myth of hyper individualism and that there is only one winner; it’s a dog-eat-dog world and only the fittest survive.
Materialism: The myth of consumerism. If I buy something I’ll feel better; if I make a lot of money I’ll be happier.
Multitasking: The myth of busy; the more I do the more I’ll get done; multitasking and over-scheduling because relaxing = laziness.
These Myth’s mean that our actions are based on getting results, competing and fighting for power, constant movement at all costs and “doing” all the time.
We have put a lot of energy into these values and it has lead us to feel:
MeritoCrazy: Burnt out from stupid grit (insert link here)
Me, Me, Me: Lonely, untrusting and disconnected from coworkers/communities
Materialism: Resentful after working in a job we don’t enjoy
Multitasking: Inability to relax or focus
But it doesn’t have to be this way. All we need to do is to get out of the grind and into the flow.
So I tossed my to-do list in the bin and only focused on three high impact activities a day using my Daily Delta method. I brought homemade healthy lunches into work and ate them peacefully outside rather than succumb to the easily bought unhealthy take-out that other people wolfed down between conference calls.
I learned how to balance my “Go” with my “Flow” mode.
And wow!
Lo and behold, at the end of that year I hit 160% of my goals and only worked 20 hours a week!
By using my 20-Hour Work Week method, I not only felt better, but I was more successful to boot.
I could barely believe it.
The key to true sustainable success is not to pump the breaks on your “Go;” it’s to be mindful, intuitive and coherent about when to throttle – which energy, how much and when. We can keep and rebalance all of the amazing skills we already have. That way, instead of stupid grit, we display healthy perseverance; instead of aggressive we are collaborative with healthy boundaries.
How do we do that? In our programs at Open Deltas we teach:
Mindfulness: Restructuring the brain for focus and high performance.
The Glow State: Balancing your “flow” and “go” energy for consistent performance.
Intuition: Making better and faster decisions.
Coherence: Developing presence, leadership and influence.
Below is a table that recaps The Myths, their results, and how to solve for them in our everyday lives:

Contact Open Deltas today for more information on our life-changing programs.